Lavva: Papercut Yogurt
Marc & Denis Bouyer
Feed Me Light
Denis Bodart
Ryan Goodwin-Smith
Daniela Hornskov Sun
Marc Bouyer, Juan Molinet
Olivier Pirard
Julien Becquer
Simon Duclos, Marin Monserand
Denis Bouyer
The aim of this short series for plant-based yogurt Lavva was to create a CG series of idents in a papercraft style, that would serve as a continuation of pre-existing marketing material that had already been shot in a studio as a stop-motion piece. The full campaign was based around the icon of the Lavva pot itself, with some of the key marketing points about the product brought to life with the help of colourful animated paper.
This meant the team had to completely match the original photoreal stop-motion setup in 3D, with some short n’ sweet shots that were packed with colour and texture!